1. Create an Account

    To track your purchases, rate wines, and share with friends, you need to create an account and login.

    Create your CornerVine account...

  2. Manage Your Privacy

    Your account and your information belong to you. Our recommendation is that you allow yourself to be found using our search tool so that friends can find you and you can share your wine ratings, favorites, and bookmarks with each other. However, just because you can be found using the search tool does not mean your profile has to be public. You can allow anyone to find you, but only allow your friends to see your profile, ratings, bookmarks, and favorites. Regardless of what you decide, you have full control over these settings, and you can change them anytime.

    Note: By default, users will be able to find you using the search tool, but they will not be able to see your profile.

    Manage your privacy settings...

  3. Validate Your Phone Number

    Validating your phone number is not required. However, if you want your purchases to be automatically associated with your CornerVine account, you need to prove that you own the phone number. If you have purchased wine at any participating CornerVine stores and have provided your phone number during your purchases, you will see all wines that you have purchased within a few minutes of validating your phone number.

    Validate your phone number...

  4. Find Your Friends

    You do not need to share your ratings, favorites, or bookmarks with your friends, but sharing allows you to learn about what your friends are drinking and enjoying.

    Find your friends...

  5. Rate Your Wines

    Once you have created a CornerVine account, you can start to rate wines, add comments, keep track of your favorites, and bookmark wines you want to try in the future. The best place to start is by rating wines you have already purchased. You can also rate any other wine, regardless of whether or not you have purchased it at a participating store.

    View your purchased wines...

    Browse all wines...

  6. Create Filters

    Wine filters allow you to specify your exact wine preferences, then be notified by email whenever new wine is added that matches those preferences. You can have as many filters as you'd like and be as specific or as general as you'd like. You can also specify whether to receive those notifications daily, weekly, or monthly, giving you complete control over how often you get email from CornerVine.

    Create a new filter...

    Manage your filter settings...

For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any questions or concerns that we haven't addressed, please contact us anytime.